Vicarage ParkCofE Primary School

School Council

School Council was formed this afternoon, beginning with appointing a chairperson and a vice

- chairperson.

Minutes were taken and the agreed agenda was discussed.

They began by creating a "shop rota" for their first big event, coming soon, the annual fundraiser "Children in Need".

Following this they agreed on our charity for the year, which is to be Ronald McDonald House Charities UK, which has been of great support to one of our current pupils. This is a fantastic charity that supports families with children who are in need of hospital care.

Take a look at the website, (link below) to see how our fundraising will be of enormous benefit to so many families.


School Council will be meeting and reporting back to classes on a regular basis, so if you think there is anything that you feel would improve school life in some way, no matter how small, let your class councillors know. They will then explain how you can get your ideas into our council suggestion box, which will be emptied at each meeting and any suggestions will be collated and presented to Mrs Green for consideration. 

Check the School Council Display in corridor between KS1 and KS2 for next meeting dates, latest news etc.


Some images from previous years council activties below..


Where Are We

Vicarage Park C of E Primary School

Vicarage Drive,