Vicarage ParkCofE Primary School

Nursery New Starters

Applying for a Nursery Place at Vicarage Park

All children are eligible for at least 15 hours of funded Nursery education from the term after their third birthday. 

Children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 December 2019 can receive their free 15 hours a week from January 2023.

Children born between 1 January 2020 and 31 March 2020 can receive their free 15 hours a week from April 2023.

Children born between 1 April 2020 and 31 August 2020 can receive their free 15 hours a week from September 2023.

Children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 December 2020 can receive their free 15 hours a week from January 2024.

Some 2 year old children are also entitled to free places.  Contact the Children and Families Information Service for more information

Further details regarding funding arrangements can be found here.

If you wish for your child to start our Nursery before their funding begins we take applications for children to start as soon as they turn three and the cost of this is then invoiced to parents through the school office.  Please see our information letter below for more details.

Please note applications for a Nursery Place are done through the school not through Cumbria County Council.


New Starter Events
We offer a range of new starter events with the opportunity to visit our nursery and meet the staff.  The details of these can be found in the flyer below.  Alternatively if these dates do not work for you we also offer 'Stay and Play' sessions to come and experience our Nursery and these can be arranged by emailing

If you would like to apply for a place at Vicarage Park Nursery please complete the application form below and return it to the school.  If you would like a printed copy of our admissions pack to be sent to you please contact the school office either by calling 01539 735442 or emailing

Files to Download

Where Are We

Vicarage Park C of E Primary School

Vicarage Drive,